What is chronic pain?
Chronic pain is persistent pain that has gone on for longer than 12 weeks, regardless of medication or treatment. After an injury, most people will get back to “normal” without pain or discomfort. Pain that continues beyond the normal healing times, or pain that occurs without a history of an injury or surgery is called chronic pain.
What is chronic lower extremity pain?
Lower extremity pain that continues longer than twelve weeks can be debilitating. Chronic lower extremity pain is commonly caused by overuse and inflammation as a result of conditions that affect bones, joints, muscles, tendons, the spine, and other organs within the body. The physicians at Optimal can diagnose chronic pain and help patients find relief.
What is the Abbott Proclaim DRG Therapy?
Some patients continue to experience pain, despite surgeries intended to alleviate or relieve pain. The Abbott Proclaim™ DRG Therapy has been proven to offer long-term pain relief for patients who suffer with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) of the lower extremities. It is the only FDA-approved dorsal root ganglion (DRG) technology for the treatment of chronic pain in the lower extremities.

What can Proclaim™ DRG Therapy treat?
Proclaim™ DRG Therapy is proven effective for the following:
- Causalgia: Neuropathic pain after surgery
- Hernia repair
- Total knee or total hip replacement
- Foot and/or ankle surgery
- Pelvic pain after surgery or trauma
- Lower extremity amputations
- CPRS I of the lower extremities
- Causalgia from a traumatic injury of the lower extremities:
- Hip
- Knee
- Ankle
- Foot
How is Proclaim™ DRG Therapy different?
Proclaim™ DRG Therapy is inherently low-energy and paresthesia-free, due to the placement of the leads. The system’s propriety delivery mechanism and surgical approach are uniquely designed to access precise anatomies of the DRG.
The delivery system enables navigation of the leads through the intraforaminal ligaments to reach the epidural space within the neural foramen
Because of the limited cerebrospinal fluid around the DRG, two desired outcomes are possible:
- Positioning of the leads closer to the anatomical target immediately adjacent to the DRG
- Significantly reducing the energy required to provide optimum therapy
In addition, the separation of sensory and motor nerve fibers within the DRG prevents unintentional stimulation.
What features do the Proclaim™ DRG Therapy system offer?
The Abbott Proclaim™ DRG Therapy device offers superior quality, along with:
- A device you do not have to re-charge
- Low energy device
- Does not cause tingling, burning or prickling sensation (paresthesia) in the extremities.
- Long-lasting battery life (6.5 years at normal settings)
- Upgradeable platform
- Compatible with Apple devices for follow-up
- Trial period before the actual implant.